Sou professor e pesquisador no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação da Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos e um dos líderes do grupo de pesquisa Audiovisualidades e Tecnocultura: Comunicação, Memória e Design. Este é meu site pessoal que reúne informações, produção científica em algumas reflexões minhas e de meus alunos-pesquisadores sobre Mídias Digitais, audiovisual(idades), arqueologia da mídia, tecnocultura, entre outros.
"El Media Rover" é um nome inspirado no "Curiosity Rover", o robô-veículo motorizado da NASA que está explorando/escavando Marte. Rover, em inglês, também pode significar: a person who spends their time wandering, a player not restricted to a particular position on the field.
Gustavo holds a undergrad degree in Advertising and, master and doctorate in Communication Sciences.. He worked in the advertising field from 93 to 2000 and started to teach at UNISINOS by 2001 as well as became the coordinator of the Advertising undergrad program. By 2003, he developed the Digital Communication undergrad program and also became its coordinator until 2008. During his PhD, he began working with the subject of digital interfaces and its media characteristics. Later, he was invited to join the Graduate Program in Design at UNISINOS and coordinate the university's School of Design (2009-2010). By 2010, he joined the Communications Graduate Program, working with the research group Audiovisualities and Technoculture: Design, Communication and Memory. His main topics of interest are digital interfaces, web, audiovisual, media archeology and methodologies to improve new media and audiovisual research.